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Lirik Lagu 'You Were So Beautiful' - Day6 Versi Bahasa Inggris

Lirik lagu 'You Were So Beautiful' dari Day6. FOTO: Tangkap layar YouTube JYP Entertainment

RUZKAREPUBLIKA. CO. ID - Lirik lagu 'You Were So Beautiful' dari Day6 versi bahasa Inggris.

Lagu 'You Were Beautiful' terkenal di Indonesia dan sempat populer di media sosial.

Lagu 'You Were Beautiful' dari Day6 ini mengisahkan adanya konflik batin dari seseorang yang merindukan pacarnya yang telah berselingkuh.

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Berikut lirik lagu 'You Were Beautiful' dari Day6 versi bahasa Inggris.

The things I’m about to, tell you aren’t so you

Change what’s already on your mind

It’s just that I keep, thinking about all the melodies

You made asleep at night

Every time I got out of bed to (oh no)

Start my day that’s when I would hear you (Ohh)

And with a tired yawn

You’d tell me that you loved me, I’ll be fine

And that’s what got me through the day alright


Just the way that you would look at me

Was so much I’d never want to leave

I... I...

Keep trying to forget how you were


Just the way that you were calling my name

But without you it won’t be the same

I... I...

Keep trying to forget, but you were beautiful

No matter what I do, I know that to you

Things will just stay the way they are

Just that I keep, thinking about how we used to be

God, I just hate this part

Every time I would get upset you’d (oh no)

You'd hold me tight and wouldn’t let go (ohh)

And with your head on mine

You’d make me realise I would be just fine

That you’d stay here until it was alright


Just the way that you would look at me

Was so much I’d never want to leave

I... I...

Keep trying to forget how you were


Just the way that you were calling my name

But without you it won’t be the same

I... I...

Keep trying to forget, but you were beautiful

Think I’ve cried more than I had imagined

If this is real take me back to the start then

What I want but I know it can’t happen

Baby I know it’s already over

I don’t want you to hurt but can’t help it

Every moment is thoughts of you back when

I saw you throw me a smile and that had me


Cause the last time that you looked at me

I did all I could I watched you leave

I... I...

Keep trying to forget how you were


All the things you gave to stay with me

All your smiles when I would disagree

I... I...

Keep trying to forget, but you were beautiful*

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